Stat 411/511

Methods of data analysis

Fall 2015. Oregon State University

Lectures MWF 1000-1050 WGND 115
Labs Milne Computing Center 201
M 1200-1250
M 1400-1450
M 1700-1750
T 1100-1150
T 1300-1350
T 1600-1650

Instructor: Charlotte Wickham, 255 Weniger

Office hours/Help Sessions
Mondays 11-11:50am Weniger 255
Thursdays 3-4:50pm Cordley 3003

Ben Brintz
Spencer Ledoux
Shaoshan Liao
Chris Comiskey

TA office hours: All in Kidder M111
Kidder M111 Schedule

Week 0 Intro & Syllabus

Week 1 Review

Reading: Sleuth: 1.1, 1.2 & 1.5

Week 2 The t-tools

Reading: Sleuth: 2.1 & 2.2 (Optional: OpenIntro 5.3)

Week 3 More t-tools

Reading: Sleuth: 1.3, 2.3, 2.4 & 2.5 (Optional: OpenIntro 5.4)

Week 4 Assumptions

Reading: Sleuth 3.1 - 3.5

Week 5 Alternatives to the t-tools

Reading: Sleuth 4.1 - 4.4

Week 6 Multiple groups

Reading: Sleuth 5.1, 5.2 & 5.3

Week 7 ANOVA

Reading: Sleuth 5, 6.1, 6.2, 6.3 & 6.4

Week 8 Multiple Comparisons, Linear Regression

Reading: Sleuth 6.3, 6.4 & 7.1, 7.2, 7.3

Week 9 Linear Regression

Reading: Sleuth 7

Week 10 Regression F-tests

Reading: Sleuth 8